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My Fears and my Thoughts (Kashi's kleine Emo-Stunde)

Autor:  Kashi-
I can feel it
Deep in my soul
There's another person...another soul
it's part good and part evil...but more evil, I guess
it likes pain and hate feed his desire of destruction
it wants more pain and more hate...
I fear it 'cause i don't know it...
what is it for me...a friend...an enemy...or anything else?
will I become like a dark soul included ending in the shadow realm?
I don't want this...but...my soul and my body are weak...
the dark soul is stronger...
it takes my body and my mind...I feel how I become mad...
yeah, now I can feel it...now I can hear it....now I can see it....
his desire...what exactly it is...it's not only destruction, hate and pain...
it's even worse than anything I've ever seen...
I'm such a fool...I'm weak and there's no point in living for a baka like me... someone should kill me...hold me a gun on my head.... and BAMM!
Are these my thougts? or of the dark soul... I don't know it...but... I start to share his hunger....after pain....and destruction....
I've a damaged soul...'cause of this I've become weak enough to let him taken over my body and my soul...but it doesn't mind now... now it's too late...
I'm not longer a normal human... I'm a foolish existence, which isn't worth to live...so let me die... here...now... forever...
my hate eats my soul and my pain feeds my hate...so I fall into darkness...
please...save me from darkness...

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