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Kashi's Emo-Stunde geht weiter...

Autor:  Kashi-
I don't know, what I should do...
should I fight....or should I give up....
I'm afraid in fighting because I could destroy an important thing forever....
but when I don't fight...I will lose it....
the dark soul is taking over my body...
the darkness around me is getting closer....bigger....and stronger....
I wanna have more pain...more torture...'cause I begin to love it...
but is it me or my dark soul?
It doesn't matter....
pain feels good and it will never give something against it...
I go into the darkness and my hate will grow...even so my pain...even so my power....
until I rule this body....
you wanna kill me?
come and just do it....I would feel reeeeeeally better....

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